The Warner Pacific Distinguished Alumni Award identifies and recognizes outstanding graduates whose individual achievements have brought honor to themselves and WPU.

Award categories include Ministry/Service, Professional Achievement, Legacy, Recent Alumni, and Professional Graduate Program.

Do you know an outstanding WPU alum?

Please contact Mary Clayton, Development Officer, 503-517-1046 or for award criteria and nomination information.

1975 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Donald Johnson

1993 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Raymond Cotton

1994 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Jonathan Mayes

1996 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Kurt & Lori Salierno

1997 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Terry Shrout
  • Rex Valentine

1998 Distinguished Alumni Awards

1999 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Steven Olson

2000 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Wanda Price

2001 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Betty Mitchell
  • Rob Rickard

2002 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Bransford Lee
  • Rod Monroe

2003 Distinguished Alumni Award

  • Enrique Cepeda

2004 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Marelyn Hency
  • Erma Mouser
  • Vern Page
  • John Parker

2006 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Legacy – Richard & Marian Lander
  • Ministry – Curtis Nielsen
  • Service Professional – Charles & Amelia Patrie
  • Recent Alumni – Joel Stuart

2007 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Legacy – Julia Shrout
  • Ministry – Charles Gray
  • Service Professional – Gregory McKelvey
  • Recent Alumni – Randee Doe

2008 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Legacy – Ben Chandler
  • Ministry – Bill Martin
  • Service Professional – Frederick Douglas
  • Recent Alumni – Kordell Kennemer

2009 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Legacy – Muriel Marble
  • Ministry – Carol Kretlow
  • Service Professional – Jesse Barber
  • Recent Alumni – Peter Okantey

2010 Distinguished Alumni Awards

  • Legacy – Herb & Leta Lewis
  • Ministry – Nova Hutchins
  • Service Professional – Candace Didier
  • Recent Alumni – Erik Brink

2011 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2012 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2014 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2015 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2016 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2017 Distinguished Alumni Awards

2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards

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